My mother used to work in an Estate Agency many years ago , & she would often say that when a buyer first saw a prospective new home , they would know immediately that it was right for them. It would just feel like home - no doubts or hesitations, it just ' felt right ʻ . From that point on , the sale was a done deal !!!!!!

So it was for Alyson & I , when we first walked through the gates to Vassiliki Apartments on Kefalonia - it felt right. We were sold. We were ʻ home ʻ.

Since meeting , Aly and I have always holidayed as naturists. Social nudity for us is saved for holidays in the sun. What wonderful places we have visited, mostly with our best friends Tony and Tracey, who write regularly for Naturist Life readers. Each resort with it's own charm and character, but few would you say , you feel more than a very welcome visitor. There are however, a few special places that cross the threshold of being a considered as ʻ home ʻ. You then hold those dear as they are the precious jewels that life afford you , only now and then. Mark and Samantha have created such a haven in Kefalonia , & in our book is of a ' diamond ʻ standard - that of the Vassaliki Apartments.

Alyson and I visited Kefalonia in June this year ( 2010). Unfortunately , due to other commitments we weren't able to enjoy the company of Tony and Tracey on this holiday ; though we were always in touch on our blog through the excellent WiFi , that is available at the resort. For us , it was a return to an island we had enjoyed visiting seven years ago, when we stayed in a ' textile ' hotel just outside of lovely Skala town. At that time , there wasn't any opportunity to stay in ' naturist ' accommodation on the island , but now rightly so, that has been rectified through the peaceful Naturist Club of Vassaliki.

Our return to Kefalonia as a naturist destination has followed years of visiting many nude holiday destinations around Europe and other places in the world. Vassaliki Apartments lie just a pleasant 15 minute drive from the airport (but not a jet in earshot or sight at the resort) & provide holidaying naturists the base to easily visit some of the finest nude beaches in Greece. Admittedly , there are no official nude beaches in Greece (bar Filaki beach on Crete) but the 'Naturist Euro' has become a valuable income to this country and actively encouraged, if not officially. During the two glorious weeks whilst we were there we visited seven fantastic beaches, including Mouda, Avithos and Antisamos. The other four beaches were all visited during one exciting day spent with our fellow guests from the resort on a powerful RIB excursion , provided by Mark and Sam.

What made Vassaliki home for us was the people and the environment we were in. I say 'environment' because this is the magic of the place that sets it at 'diamond' standard for us. You can be nude from the moment you arrive , to the last minute you leave , without a second thought. But as we have found, many 'naturists' still want to dress for dinner in the evening. There is no problem with this - indeed the mix of dressed and nude in the evening and at dinner goes unnoticed and provides a unique eclectic mix that adds to the experience for all.While we were visiting , there was a friendly bunch to socialise with , as we wished - or to keep our own company when we wanted. Sam and Mark arrange two evenings a week that provide fantastic ice-breaking opportunities ; there is the Wednesday night Mezes, at fine local restaurants, and on Saturday night they provide their own BBQ . The BBQ has a clever and challenging puzzle that draws everyone in , and allows you to get to know your neighbours. If you visit , we recommend you don't miss out on either of these evenings - they are truly magic and great fun. The Mezes are fantastic - with more than you can eat and drink , and we met such a range of interesting and friendly people from the UK and around Europe.

Mark and Sam's BBQs are special. From the table settings and layout through to the exquisitely cooked food - they excel themselves. Everyone seems to be 'family' and we have to admit , as the wine flows , the volume seems to rise - just a little. After all - we are Naturists!

Just a quick note on the accommodation - it is excellent. I said it would be a quick note ; I think if you want to see all about the accommodation and much more ,I know that Charlie Simonds has produced one of his superb 'Naturally' videos at Vassaliki. Mark showed me some of the quality photos Charlie took , while he was visiting , with some of the beautiful 'Angels' .

Mark and Sam have a love for the sea. Their personal treat to themselves is to go out on their amazing power boat, that they keep locally, and go waterskiing and snorkelling. We were fortunate, indeed honoured, to go out with them one afternoon and have an adrenaline filled few hours. The nude waterskiing was left to Mark !!!

Mark and Sam's love for all things nautical has extended to the two wonderful naturist excursions they provide and we joined. Mark is a qualified sailing skipper and instructor although Iʻm sure there are more technical qualifications I should refer to - but the bottom line is , he is safe , and you feel very comfortable with him at the helm. If you want a rush of excitement go on the RIB trip. We embarked from the nearby , and beautiful harbour town of Argostoli and visited some awesome nude beaches - each one deserted , and accessed only by sea .The RIB is a powerful & luxurious boat , and soon after leaving port shorts and T-shirts were shed. As we left the harbour to visit our first beach we spotted three huge turtles that were returning to lay their eggs , a wonderful sight. We lunched at the most rustic taverna you will ever visit , though to save the blushes of other diners , we all dressed, for the time were there.

The other excursion, not to miss - is the naturist yacht day , on the beautiful ' Ino '. This is luxury nude sailing of the highest standard , aboard a magnificent 40' white yacht. Aly had been a little apprehensive prior to this trip ; she doesn't count herself as a boat person - which is a bit funny really , as every boat trip I have encouraged her on , she has loved (admittedly there has been one trip , we did some years ago in Lanzarote that was even more bumpy , than I would normally say is fun!!). This day out was one of the highlights of our holiday ; not only are you aboard a superb sailing vessel - you are at the helm sailing her. On the day we went , it was one of Mark's sailing friends, Chris, who took us , another ex-pat who enjoys living on the Greek islands & who specialises in yachting holidays. We spent an exhilarating nude day , sailing on the azure blue waters and visiting an uninhabited island with a traditional lunch aboard, preceded by some snorkelling and cooling off , in the island's arcing bay. Truly a day to remember.

They say that 'home is where the heart is'. We have another place we now call 'home'.

We have decided that we will be taking Tony and Tracey 'home' with us next year to visit Mark and Sam who have created their special naturist jewel of diamond standard.