Today, we officially announce that from October 10th 2022, Vassaliki Bare Brilliance the resort will close its doors to the naturist world for the last time.
The struggles we have had to endure over the last three years financially, physically and mentally have finally taken their toll on us both, so the decision has been made to close.
Our company was forced to close in 2020 due to covid and we received no financial support from either the UK or Greek governments that could help cover the continuing costs of maintaining the resort. The hurricane in September 2020 also did not help the situation causing thousands of euros damage.
2021 was only a partial season, then although summer 2022 we have opened with one of our highest occupancy rates ever, once again we are hit with unmanageable extra costs of electric, diesel and water bills raising by nearly 200%. In the meantime, the resort has been put on the market for sale by our landlord.
We know this news will be upsetting for many of our loyal guests who have supported us over the last 16 years of running Vassaliki. We thank all of you from the bottom of our hearts.
It’s time for us to now move on and we both plan to spend more time with our family and friends. We look forward to the future with optimism buoyed by memories of happy and fun times we had at Vassaliki.
We hope it is not the end of our business for good but for now we are taking a break, reassessing our options and we will keep you posted - Mark and Samantha.
Our Villa is still open to naturist guests and is not effected by the closer of the resort