Summers coming 2023

Well, here we are into a new year already. This year is going to be very different for Samantha and I, as it is the first summer in 16 years we won’t be opening Vassaliki. We know this is a great disappointment to many people, we are sorry that we had to close the resort, but we both feel it is the right thing for us to do at this time.

As we have already said, Covid really hit our business and the hospitality trade very hard. We were struggling to get ourselves back on track plus continue to maintain and keep the resort up to the high standard we all expected, bearing in mind the resort has now reached a certain age.

But this was not the only contributing reason we closed. Back in March 2022 Samantha’s mum was diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease which was a big shock to us all. Her mum has deteriorated fast with this horrible debilitating condition and we made the decision to move her into our bungalow with us in the UK so we could look after her. Samantha returned to the UK in October 2022 to do this and since then we have been supported by a team of medical staff from Macmillan Caring Locally. In the last week we now have a team of 24 hour care staff to deal with all the complex needs her mum has. This condition is life limiting and our priority right now is to keep her comfortable.

I have been helping Samantha with caring for her mum but since the care team have arrived I have not been needed so much with the day to day care. I just need to be available to care and cuddle Samantha when she is having a bad day (I take this job very seriously!) 

So in a few weeks time I will be returning to Kefalonia to take up my new job at Trek Adventures. This is a sailing and activities holiday company run by some friends of ours on the island. I will be working a few days a week maintaining and repairing the boats and boards for the team of beach staff. I am really looking forward to this new role and the challenges this will bring. 

Sadly I will be going alone, leaving Samantha in the UK to continue to look after her mum. This is going to be difficult for both of us as we have lived and worked together now for 16 years, but we feel this is the right thing to do right now.

The resort is going to reopen this summer under the management of the Greek owners who I think have a Dutch tour operator selling textile holidays. I have remained in contact with the owners, our relationship with them is still good and I will help them however I can with the resort to maintain this friendship. 

If any of you still decide to travel to Kefalonia this summer, please drop us an email and if time is good to us, we would love to catch up for a cold beer or Greek coffee. 

We hope you have all found an alternative place to enjoy your next naturist holiday.

Please stay in contact with us, best wishes, Mark, Samantha & Lucy dog x

There is a Facebook group for guests who have already been to Vassaliki (this is a private group so you will need to be on our database of past guests to join) -

We also have an open group for anyone who is interested in Naturism in Kefalonia and want news of Vassaliki -

We also hope to continue to send email newsletters a couple of times a year.