Well the summer here in Kefalonia is well and truly underway with Vassaliki running at maximum capacity. This is great news for us and the future of the resort.
We do however have some availability due to last minute cancellations, and we are sure you would love to come and join us in the sun.
We have September the 1st to September 11th (10 nights in a one bedroom) Flights from £119 Jet 2 from Stansted
and also a (14 night stay in a one bedroom) 4th September to 18th September. Flights from £73 Ryanair Manchester and £185 London Stansted
We have also decided to run the resort until the end of October and you will find some big discounts for the month of October online.
[maxbutton id=”6″ url=”https://bookingseu.newbook.cloud/viglanatura/index.php” ]
Email Samantha now or book online
Some advice from one of regular travellers to Vassaliki