4th and 5th of June this year is Women in Naturism weekend. This event is set up globally to encourage women of all ages to give naturism a try and to learn more about the positive benefits that naturism can offer. This includes reducing body image issues, gaining a feeling of freedom and comfort from swimming naked plus the benefits of sunbathing without a swim suit.
Vassaliki this year is joining the campaign with Samantha and Sheryle running a small cocktail party at Vassaliki for women only. Come and join them from 4pm to 6pm on Sunday 5th June and enjoy a free cocktail at our bar along with the opportunity to enjoy a swim in our pool and a soak in our beautiful hot tub without the burden of your swim suit. This event is open to all ages (alcohol free drink for under 18).
Please join Samantha and Sheryle who will be more than happy to discuss with you the naturist lifestyle. We promise you will not be forced to undress and will be left to try it at your own speed.
To reduce the number of men at the resort Mark will be offering a free cold can of beer at the naturist area of Avithos beach from 4pm to 6pm also on 5th June.
For more information please call Samantha on 0044 2081442166 or 0030 6945059967.