Naturist Resorts - Use ‘em or lose ‘em

by Tony & Tracey Dunn.

2010 has been an interesting year for us; we have visited four naturist resorts of different types. Although I’ll give you an insight into these venues , primarily my theme for this short article is to propose ways forward for these ‘ oases ‘ & other naturist venues , to be kept for all to enjoy in the future.

The question I ask readers, is what makes a good naturist resort & how do we ensure its continued survival??

The key issues for the travelling naturist.

We’ve put together a list of key points which we feel are central for a quality naturist holiday.

1. Location.
2. Weather.
3. Facilities, including cleanliness of resort/rooms, Restaurants etc.
4. Value for Money.

The key for all, whether they be wanting a ‘quiet time ‘or a ‘hectic, action packed time ‘is to want a high score on all the above.

For example, Trace & I, seek peace & tranquility so we still seek high scores on all four items. A person or couple wanting action etc would also seek high scores on all, although, maybe with greater expectations on the ‘facilities ‘issue.
Obviously, one can’t seek a naturist break in Norway, with an expectation of wall to wall sunshine (generally!!!). Similarly, to travel to Mexico will score low on ‘ location ‘ , for all , due to the length of travelling time to get there.

Ancillary, but all important issues which are obviously to be considered are flights being on time, good check-in, good in-flight catering & transfers (with hire car, taxi or coach).

Key issues for the Resort.

From our list above, it is abundantly clear & not ‘Rocket Science ‘that the successful & profitable resorts will attempt to achieve high scores in every category to maximize the number of visitors & consequently increase the revenue/profit pro rata!!!
This will enable the resort to survive & hopefully flourish. However, the successful resort will have to add a minimum two factors

1. Advertising.
2. Guest rapport.

Note , any resort will know that its remote location may detract from appeal , however , by providing high scores in the other areas the resort can still be popular & an overall success.


The key to any successful business, whether it be a manufacturing company or a holiday resort is turnover (& profit!!!) - This is generated in the holiday resorts by people visiting & supporting the venture.

Without people visiting a resort ----it will not survive!!!

Textile destinations will come & go depending on the financial climate - they are like small businesses, there will always be people who will ‘have a go ‘.
More rarely do totally new Naturists ventures open. Two that come to mind are the ‘Vassaliki ‘in Kefalonia & ‘Skinny Dippers ‘in Mallorca. Both these are on our ‘to visit ‘list; their Management must be commended for the brave commercial stance they’ve adopted in such a difficult business climate.

Naturist resorts need support or they will slowly go out of business. This is fact - the events which generated this article are those which occurred at the Sorobon Beach resort in the Dutch Antilles, in the South Caribbean.

The resort was owned by a Dutch chap, a dedicated Naturist - he built it up over 25 years & it was excellent as a peaceful haven - BUT he didn’t keep nurturing it. He didn’t advertise, consequently he didn’t get a full quota of visitors & slowly the custom drifted away, particularly the European naturist contingent.

On my resort scoring chart the location of Sorobon would be very low ; it requires flying to Schiphol ( Amsterdam ) - only the Royal Dutch Airline KLM service the place from Europe !!!!! As a result, although the American contingent could get to it easier, because his advertising was minimal - it didn’t frighten them off


In the final analysis, Sorobon was ripe for being taken over - & so it has been - Naturism has survived, just - they are keeping one month for it in 2011!!!!! (2020 update - this naturist month has now been stopped!)

This then brings me to my ‘Rub of the Nub ‘ message . For naturist resorts to survive they need support from us naturists ..........................the resorts themselves must continue to advertise & work hard at promoting their good points ............................moreover, if we don’t

‘Use ‘em - we’ll lose’em ‘